Introduction to Military Drones
Introduction to Military Drones, Unmanned Vessels, AUVs.
Introduction to Military Drones, Unmanned Vessels, AUVs.
Introduction to Quadruped Robots, including ANYmal, Spot, Petoti Bittle, PIPPY, BeeDog, SpotMicro, Pupper, Unitree, CyberDog; 3D-printed Quadruped: Py-Apple Dog, Mini Pupper, SpotMicro V2, Kangal, Philon Wave, Open Dynamic Robot Initiative.
簡介無人機產業, 無人機應用, 無人機種類, 飛行原理, 飛行器組成, 電機, 鋰電池, 組裝指南, 飛控板, 飛控軔體 , 飛行模式及飛行功能, 地面控制站 等.