Introduction to Military Drones

Introduction to Military Drones, Unmanned Vessels, AUVs.

Introduction to Quadruped Robots

Introduction to Quadruped Robots, including ANYmal, Spot, Petoti Bittle, PIPPY, BeeDog, SpotMicro, Pupper, Unitree, CyberDog; 3D-printed Quadruped: Py-Apple Dog, Mini Pupper, SpotMicro V2, Kangal, Philon Wave, Open Dynamic Robot Initiative.

Introduction to Quadcopter Drone

簡介無人機產業, 無人機應用, 無人機種類, 飛行原理, 飛行器組成, 電機, 鋰電池, 組裝指南, 飛控板, 飛控軔體 , 飛行模式及飛行功能, 地面控制站 等.